The First National Bank Of Georgetown
The First National Bank Of Georgetown in Colorado printed $85,200 dollars worth of national currency. A production number that low doesn’t save room for many survivors. Currency from this bank will be rare. This national bank opened in 1872 and stopped printing money in 1877, which equals a 6 year printing period. That is obviously a very short period of time. During its life, The First National Bank Of Georgetown issued 3 different types and denominations of national currency. We have examples of the types listed below. Your bank note should look similar. Just the bank name will be different. For the record, The First National Bank Of Georgetown was located in Clear Creek County. It was assigned charter number 1991.
We buy all national currency. Please call or email us for a quote.
The First National Bank Of Georgetown in Colorado printed 1,250 sheets of $5 original series territorial national bank notes. A total sheet output in the lows 1,000s is a great sign that you own a very rare bank note. You can do some quick math and take the sheet output, multiply it by four, and get the total number of original series $5 territorial bank notes issued by this bank. Only 30 banks in the country even printed these notes. Today there are only about ten surviving examples known to exist. Most of them are low grade and they are rarely available on the collector market. We are talking about bank notes printed before 1875, so the number of new discoveries being found 140 years later is minimal. Prices range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars based on any number of valuation factors.
Original Series $5 Territorial National Bank Note
The First National Bank Of Georgetown printed 1,204 sheets of $10 original series territorial national bank notes. A total sheet output in the lows 1,000s is a great sign that you own a very rare bank note. Now here is an amazing fact. We know that 42 national banks printed this type of bank note, yet only four examples are known to exist. That population of four is split between two banks in Denver. So the question becomes, what happened to the rest of them? The easiest explanation is that no one knew these would ever become rare and collectible, so they got spent and eventually destroyed by the government upon redemption. Any original series ten dollar bill from a bank other than Denver would certainly be a welcome find.
Original Series $10 Territorial National Bank Note
The First National Bank Of Georgetown also printed 1,204 sheets of $20 original series territorial national bank notes. In this case, the number printed really doesn’t matter because so few are still outstanding. Seventeen different banks printed original series $20 territorial national bank notes. And just like with the ten dollar denomination, just four $20 bills are known to exist and they all happen to be from Denver. Other national banks in Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming all issued these notes. For some reason though, the collecting world has yet to find a survivor from any of those states.
Original Series $20 Territorial National Bank Note