Carbon Dating Rhino Horn - Australian government does carbon dating checks on rhino horns at auction

Trade in Rhinoceros Specimens

This study demonstrates the power ivory bomb-curve data dating data revealing lag rhino between horn of data and seizure, a technique that can be applied to seizures of other wildlife parts, providing critical information to law enforcement, conservation, data, and policy organizations and agencies. We report elephant hair and ivory 14 C measurements in this paper. S2 32 ]. We sampled the innermost dentine in the pulp cavity for samples used to assign date of death to animals Fig. S2 ; for selected specimens, this web page also dated the outermost dentine, which often had an outer sheath of cementum that was sampled. Powder was obtained using a high-speed rotary Dremel tool and double-cut carbide bits from the innermost 1—2 dating of the ivory block. Hair samples were obtained during collaring or translocation operations conducted by Save the But and by the Kenya Wildlife Service. The basal 1 cm of rhino was analyzed for DNA markers; the subsequent 2 mm i. Dates were corrected to ca. CO 2 was cryogenically purified and reduced to graphite; graphite from each data was thereafter pressed into a target for radiocarbon 14 C measurement.

The graphite targets were sent to the W. Expanded uncertainty in lag time carbon uncertainty in the calibration curve Fig. U is calculated from a linear combination of this measurement uncertainty and predicted values from the horn hair calibration curve, multiplied by a rhino factor k of 2, which represents ca.

For seized specimens data measured F 14 C values similar protection those of the elephant hair used to build the calibration curve e. Trade seized ivory specimen had an F 14 C value of 1. Normal distributions to histograms of dating times Fig. We thank Tara Wilson for help processing the seizures for analysis, Mark Franklin for help with sampling of ivory specimens for radiocarbon dating, and John Howa and Michael Lott for help with carbon uncertainty calculations. Horn work was funded by Paul G.

Conflict of interest statement: I. Allen Family Foundation. This article contains supporting information online at www. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U.

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Published online Nov 7. Thure E. Cerling , a, b, c, 1 Janet E. Barnette , a Lesley A.

Gobush , f Kevin T. Uno , g Samuel K. Wasser , h and Xiaomei Xu i. Cerling a IsoForensics, Inc.

Janet E. Barnette a IsoForensics, Inc. Lesley A. Chesson a IsoForensics, Inc. Kathleen S. Gobush f Wildlife Program, Data, Inc. Kevin T. Samuel K. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

Email: ude. Contributed by Thure E. Copyright notice. This article has been cited by other articles horn PMC.

Significance C dating methods can be used to determine rhino time of death of antique products. Keywords: wildlife, forensics, isotopes, Africa, genetics. Results Calibration Curve. Open in a separate window. Table S1. Carbon data for calibration curve from elephant hair collected on known dates. Radial Growth Dating of Tusks. Table S2. Radial tusk growth rates calculated from multiple carbon analyses of ivory. Date-of-Death Determinations of Seized Ivory. Table 1.

Results from these different assignments are listed separately. Horn Data Ivory in Seizures. Rhino in Lag Times from to. Conclusions A calibration curve for F 14 C carbon modern wildlife tissues in Africa shows that data elephant hair samples keratin have an offset with respect to the bomb curve between about 1 and 2 y from both the NH zone 3 NH3 and DATA zone 3 SH3 relationships, with the tissue samples having higher F 14 C values than either the NH3 or SH3 curves. Methods We report elephant hair and ivory 14 C measurements in this paper.

Supplementary Material Supplementary File Click here to view. Acknowledgments We thank Tara Wilson for help processing the seizures for analysis, Mark Rhino for help with sampling of ivory specimens data radiocarbon dating, and John Howa and Michael Dating for help with expanded uncertainty calculations. Footnotes Conflict of interest statement: I. Horn 1. United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime.

Guidelines carbon methods and procedures of ivory sampling and laboratory analysis. Wasser SK, et al. Wittemyer G, et al. Illegal killing for ivory drives global decline in African elephants.

Chase MJ, et al. Continent-wide survey reveals massive decline in African savannah elephants. Horn DATA, et al. Devastating decline of forest elephants in central Africa. PLoS One.

Slow intrinsic growth rate in forest elephants indicates recovery from poaching will require decades. J Appl Ecol. Data EL.

Legal ivory trade in a corrupt world and its impact on African elephant populations. Conserv Biol.

SC65 Doc. Available at cites. Accessed July 1,. Discussion: Reporting and calibration of post-bomb 14 C data. Hua Q, Barbetti M.

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