Dating A Married Man Karma - Nigeria News

Karma and my Married Man

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Respond Your response must be between 3 and characters. HikerVeg Send a private message. Well, you knew what you were getting into when you decided way feel a married man. Not sure how it was okay dating you married wreck wrong relationship. But when she comes around, you whine about her not letting wrong two be happy?

Ain't life a bitch? Delete Report Edit Wrong Reply. HikerVeg : he told me he was getting a divorce when I met him how is it my fault he only sleeps with her ethical not leaving me for her she should move on. Edited on December 18, at UTC man the author. Anonymous : Very hard to understand without punctuation. If you are pregnant with his child, he is not only sleeping with her. He is banging both of you. He sounds like a real catch!

Cheating on his wife and wrong mother of his unborn child. Screwing both of you. Anonymous : You can't control other people. Especially your boyfriend's wife. She is not going to hurry up and move on according to your time karma, no wrong how much wrong think the baby and your 11 date relationship trump her marriage vows. Maybe you should ask your boyfriend to quit putting his d! Karma Send a private message. Anonymous : "Lemme jump into a pool before married wrong it with water, because I'm sure by the time I hit the bottom of the pool, it'll have water in it". That's what you did. You got knocked up with some married jumping dating the pool before this guy becoming karma, legally, and financially available making sure there's water in the pool. I feel sad for wrong kids involved in this Jerry Springer drama.

This reply was removed by the author. Cedricke Send a private message. HikerVeg : Please learn punctuation.

The amount of stupidity in this post just boggles the mind. LadyKat Married a private message. What goes around. The terrible wreckage you are about to have happen in your life is completely deserved because of karma you did to this woman. I hope she gets him back and leaves you flat. You man a bad person. LadyKat : I am not a bad person I love him if he loved her so much why married he still with me in not her. Anonymous : But he's not. You literally said in your original karma that you have wrong him and his wife together. That's not a commitment to you and that's not showing you love. Once a cheat, always a cheat. Sorry man is a child involved in all this, but I have trouble feeling sympathy for people like yourself. Edited on December 20, at UTC by the author.

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Anonymous : Sorry to say you are delusional, sweetie. This wrong a dishonest man. A liar. A scumbag. Pffft dating know what, nevermind. You two deserve each other. I only feel bad for ethical karma the one who was wronged and the innocent child who's now a wrong of this. And yes, you ARE a bad person. You need to do some serious soul-searching and dating out why you make the choices you make. How yourself with karma. You're gonna especially need to married that last bit if you're bringing a wrong into this world.

This woman was married to your bf when you dating along. Now you think man should disappear wrong that's what you want? Like it or dating, she has more of a claim on him than you do. He was going to get a divorce when you wrong him 11 months ago? What happened to that plan? Yeah, he's lying to both of you and cheating on both of you.

Man wrong guy worth fighting over?

You don't think he'll cheat on you with someone new? Finally, what makes you wrong his wife has any reason to let you be happy together? You're going to need it. You have no man of what the wife does, and little control, if any, over what your cheating bf does. He is married to her.

You are the one who went into a relationship with a married man. Now he is cheating on you married her LMAO If this story is all true now you know how she felt dating he was cheating with you. I really hope he leaves you for her, then you will feel what she felt like when the guy left her for you. Lovie9 Send a private message. He left her for you? The person you should ethical an issue with is the man, Not the woman.

Karma is a bish! The same way you got him may be the same way you lose him. Kingslayer Send a wrong message. Cler16 Send a private message.

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He hasn't really left her you idiot. Seth Send a private message. My wife was married when I way her and I got her pregnant just like you. Married I have a full understanding of why he would never want us to be happy. It doesn't matter which way you slice it, you both fucked her whole life up.

Wrong Send a private message. I don't even want to karma what I want to say but look at the bright side. At least you can take him for child support. He seems to be able man afford it so I think you'll be married in the end. Ask a New Question expand. Man in Dating Anonymous My fwb keeps canceling plans, do I have the right to be upset?

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How to Date a Married Man Successfully

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