Series 701 Military Payment Certificate Value
Series 701 military payment certificates hold the title as the last military payment certificates ever printed. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington DC was responsible for their production. The design is very progressive and looks like it could have been printed in the 21st century. Denominations from five cents to twenty dollars were printed. Perhaps you have noticed, but we keep saying printed instead of issued. That is because these were never actually released into circulation. They were intended for use in Vietnam, but that never happened. However, as is often the case when it comes to rare numismatic items, some notes escaped destruction. Today the one, five, ten, and twenty dollar denomination are relatively common. They are worth a few hundred dollars each. The lower denominations were almost certainly all destroyed. Replacement notes from all denominations were likely also all destroyed.
We buy most series 701 military payment certificates. Send us an email and tell us what you have. Click on a picture to learn more about each denomination from the series 701: