The First National Bank Of Trinidad
The First National Bank Of Trinidad in Colorado printed $1,823,130 dollars worth of national currency. Over $1,000,000 face value is a lot of money. However, some types and denominations of currency from this bank could still be rare. This national bank opened in 1875 and stopped printing money in 1934, which equals a 60 year printing period. That is considering a long operation period for a national bank. During its life, The First National Bank Of Trinidad issued 12 different types and denominations of national currency. We have examples of the types listed below. Your bank note should look similar. Just the bank name will be different. For the record, The First National Bank Of Trinidad was located in Las Animas County. It was assigned charter number 2300.
We buy all national currency. Please call or email us for a quote.
The First National Bank Of Trinidad in Colorado issued 7,225 sheets of $5 series of 1875 territorial national bank notes. That printing range is high enough to allow for a couple of survivors, but not much more. Most first charter five dollar territorials that we encounter today are from the series of 1875. Despite saying series of 1875, these were actually printed as late as 1901 by a handful of banks. So while these might appear ancient, some are much newer than the series date would suggest. With that said, these are still rare items treasured by collectors. Exactly 42 national banks printed series of 1875 five dollar territorials. That list of banks pretty much included all of the territories from Arizona to Wyoming. Please give us a chance to help you establish the value of your note. You will likely be pleasantly surprised with how these bank notes are valued in today’s market.
Series of 1875 $5 Territorial National Bank Note
The First National Bank Of Trinidad printed 8,761 sheets of $5 series of 1875 national bank notes. A print range between 5,000 and 10,000 is a pretty high number. But you have to remember we are talking about bank notes from the 1870s and 1880s. Even banks with high issue numbers could be rare today. Series of 1875 $5 bills are some of the most commonly encountered bank notes from the first charter series. Only the original series $1 bill is more available. Some banks exclusively issued five dollar bills. So if you want an example from one of those banks then you don’t have many options. These notes have a rounded red seal and red serial numbers. They also all have a red charter number.
Series of 1875 $5 National Bank Note
The First National Bank Of Trinidad also printed 2,361 sheets of $50 1882 brown back national bank notes. Not many banks printed $50 1882 brown backs. Sheet outputs aren’t extremely important. However, it is good factual information to know. The most common 1882 $50 brown backs are worth about $5,000. However, some can be worth more than $10,000 based on condition, serial number, and bank of issue.
Series of 1882 $50 Brown Back
The First National Bank Of Trinidad also printed 2,361 sheets of $100 1882 brown back national bank notes. Just because this bank printed more than 1,000 one hundred dollar brown backs does not mean that they are all common. We are very interested in purchasing $100 1882 brown back national bank notes. We have paid more than $15,000 for some examples. Send us pictures of what you have and we will respond quickly with an appraisal and offer.
Series of 1882 $100 Brown Back
The First National Bank Of Trinidad also printed 1,300 sheets of $50 1882 blue seal national bank notes. High denomination 1882 blue seals like this are not frequently encountered, regardless of the number of notes printed. There is a big difference between the two types of 1882 $50 blue seals. The variety that says “1882-1908” on the back is rare, but no where near as rare at the type that says “Fifty Dollars.” The second variety is extremely rare and only about a half dozen are known to exist. The first type should still be worth at least $4,000. The second type is a five figure rarity though.
1882 Blue Seal $50 National Bank Note
The First National Bank Of Trinidad also printed 1,300 sheets of $100 1882 blue seal national bank notes. The number of sheets printed doesn’t matter too much here. All 1882 $100 blue seals are rare. They were issued by a total of 256 total national banks in the country. The rare 1882 value backs were only printed by banks in Dayton, Ohio and New Orleans, Louisiana. The slightly more common date backs are much more plentiful but still rare in the scheme of things.
1882 Blue Seal $100 National Bank Note
The First National Bank Of Trinidad also printed 3,165 sheets of $50 1902 blue seal national bank notes. There is no trick to knowing which 1902 blue seals will be common and rare. Often times the number printed won’t tell you much information. The value still comes down to condition and demand. That is a surprise to most people. In fact, most 1902 $50 bills we see are worth between $750 and $1,250. The rarer ones can be worth more than $5,000. However, there isn’t much middle ground.
1902 $50 Blue Seal National Bank Note
The First National Bank Of Trinidad also printed 3,165 sheets of $100 1902 blue seal national bank notes. It is no coincidence that the sheet numbers for $50 bills and $100 bills are the same. They were printed on the same sheets. Most $100 blue seals are at least scarce; others can be very rare. John J Knox is printed on the front of each bill. Most collectors like the back design a lot more though. It is really unique and different from most other national bank notes. Prices for 1902 $100 blue seals are pretty similar to $50 blue seals. They are both equally common or equally rare, depending on how you look at it.
1902 $100 Blue Seal National Bank Note
The First National Bank Of Trinidad also printed 530 sheets of Type1 1929 $5 national bank notes. This is a small print range, but it does not guarantee rarity. Every 1929 $5 bill has a portrait of Abraham Lincoln on it. This is also the lowest denomination of small size national currency that any bank issued. All serial numbers end with the letter A and start with a letter between A and F. Remember that you can take the total number of sheets printed and multiply it by six get to the actual number of bank notes printed for this denomination. All small size national bank notes were printed on sheets of six.
Series of 1929 Type1 $5 National Bank Note
The First National Bank Of Trinidad also printed 140 sheets of Type1 1929 $10 national bank notes. That is an extremely small sheet printing number. Survivors are still likely but definitely not guaranteed. Each $10 bill from 1929 has a portrait of Alexander Hamilton on it. The black number written vertically is the charter number. The charter number never affects the value; it is just an identifier. The ten dollar type1 national bank note happens to be the single most common national bank note, with over 65,000 known to exist from all banks. Of course each note is valued based on its condition and rarity. Some are very rare.
Series of 1929 Type1 $10 National Bank Note
The First National Bank Of Trinidad also printed 492 sheets of Type1 1929 $50 national bank notes. That may sound like a very small number, and it is. However, when it comes to small size notes, that print range usually allows for a handful of survivors. As is the case with all modern fifty dollar bills, Ulysses Grant is pictured on the front of 1929 $50 bills. This is a higher denomination that was only printed by 300 different national banks. Many examples are only worth around a few hundred dollars. Rarer specimens can sell for more than $1,000.
Series of 1929 Type1 $50 National Bank Note
The First National Bank Of Trinidad also printed 144 sheets of Type1 1929 $100 national bank notes. That is an extremely small sheet printing number. Survivors are still likely but definitely not guaranteed. Despite saying series of 1929, all type1 national bank notes were actually printed between 1929 and 1933. Exactly 289 national banks printed $100 type1 notes. Most are relatively common. However, as with anything, there are always exceptions to that rule.
Series of 1929 Type1 $100 National Bank Note