The First National Bank Of Anaconda
The First National Bank Of Anaconda in Montana printed $54,900 dollars worth of national currency. A production number that low doesn’t save room for many survivors. Currency from this bank will be rare. This national bank opened in 1889 and stopped printing money in 1895, which equals a 7 year printing period. That is obviously a very short period of time. During its life, The First National Bank Of Anaconda issued 4 different types and denominations of national currency. We have examples of the types listed below. Your bank note should look similar. Just the bank name will be different. For the record, The First National Bank Of Anaconda was located in Deer Lodge County. It was assigned charter number 3965.
We buy all national currency. Please call or email us for a quote.
The First National Bank Of Anaconda in Montana printed 167 sheets of $50 1882 territorial brown back national bank notes. That is a remarkably small number. Any note known to exist from a print run like that would be a true statistical miracle of survival. The $50 1882 territorial brown back is a great rarity. Only two are known to exist. You have to remember that $50 was a large sum of money during the time these were originally printed, which started in 1882 and lasted until 1908 (on very rare occasions). People could save a coin or maybe even a five dollar bill as a curiosity item or a keepsake. No one really wanted to tie up $50 for the foreseeable future. There was no collectible paper currency market until the 1950s. So even if you had something like this sixty years after it was originally printed, it was still just worth the face value of $50. Of course that has all changed today. These are now great rarities appreciated by the collecting hobby.
Series of 1882 $50 Territorial Brown Back
The First National Bank Of Anaconda printed 167 sheets of $100 1882 territorial brown back national bank notes. That is the same output for individual $50 bills. Most regular issue $100 brown backs are worth around $5,000. However, we are talking about territorial $100 brown backs. These are much rarer. In fact, they were only printed by a total of 25 different national banks and only about ten are known to exist! So needless to say, these are quite rare. This high denomination was printed by all of the usual territories you expect to see: Montana, Washington, Arizona, Hawaii, North Dakota, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Utah. The notes that are known to exist are split between Oklahoma, Utah, and New Mexico. So if you have a new state, then that will certainly be in demand.
Series of 1882 $100 Territorial Brown Back
The First National Bank Of Anaconda also printed 366 sheets of $50 1882 brown back national bank notes. Fifty dollar 1882 brown backs are few and far between. When the print number is under 1,000 like this bank then there is a great chance that you have a very rare bank note. The most common 1882 $50 brown backs are worth about $5,000. However, some can be worth more than $10,000 based on condition, serial number, and bank of issue.
Series of 1882 $50 Brown Back
The First National Bank Of Anaconda also printed 366 sheets of $100 1882 brown back national bank notes. High denomination $50 and $100 brown backs were printed on the same sheet. So the number of sheets printed also equals the number bills printed for each denomination. You can see that $100 brown backs are extremely scarce on this bank. We are very interested in purchasing $100 1882 brown back national bank notes. We have paid more than $15,000 for some examples. Send us pictures of what you have and we will respond quickly with an appraisal and offer.
Series of 1882 $100 Brown Back