The Second National Bank Of in Youngstown
The Second National Bank Of in Youngstown in Ohio printed $485,940 dollars worth of national currency. That is a pretty standard output. However, some types of currency from this bank could still be rare. This national bank opened in 1923 and stopped printing money in 1931, which equals a 9 year printing period. That is obviously a very short period of time. During its life, The Second National Bank Of in Youngstown issued 2 different types and denominations of national currency. We have examples of the types listed below. Your bank note should look similar. Just the bank name will be different. For the record, The Second National Bank Of in Youngstown was located in Mahoning County. It was assigned charter number 12332.
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The Second National Bank Of in Youngstown in Ohio printed 17,787 sheets of $5 1902 blue seal national bank notes. Once a bank prints more than 10,000 sheets of blue seals it becomes very difficult for those notes to be rare. Ben Harrison is on the front of all 1902 $5 blue seal bank notes. This happens to be the smallest denomination issued for the 1902 series. Each note is complete with a blue seal and blue charter number. Despite saying series of 1902, these were actually issued by national banks between 1908 and 1928. There are two different types of blue seals. The first type is called a date back and it has “1902-1908” written on the back of the bill. The other type is called a plain back; it does not have the date stamps on the back of the bill. The values for these notes range widely based on condition and the bank of issue.
1902 $5 Blue Seal National Bank Note
The Second National Bank Of in Youngstown printed 4,340 sheets of Type1 1929 $5 national bank notes. That is a pretty typical sheet output for a national bank during the small size era. Every 1929 $5 bill has a portrait of Abraham Lincoln on it. This is also the lowest denomination of small size national currency that any bank issued. All serial numbers end with the letter A and start with a letter between A and F. Remember that you can take the total number of sheets printed and multiply it by six get to the actual number of bank notes printed for this denomination. All small size national bank notes were printed on sheets of six.
Series of 1929 Type1 $5 National Bank Note