The First National Bank Of Maryville
The First National Bank Of Maryville in Tennessee printed $1,406,800 dollars worth of national currency. Over $1,000,000 face value is a lot of money. However, some types and denominations of currency from this bank could still be rare. This national bank opened in 1914 and stopped printing money in 1933, which equals a 20 year printing period. That is a fairly normal lifespan for a national bank. During its life, The First National Bank Of Maryville issued 2 different types and denominations of national currency. We have examples of the types listed below. Your bank note should look similar. Just the bank name will be different. For the record, The First National Bank Of Maryville was located in Blount County. It was assigned charter number 10542.
We buy all national currency. Please call or email us for a quote.
The First National Bank Of Maryville in Tennessee printed 26,956 sheets of $10 1902 blue seal national bank notes. Once a bank prints more than 10,000 sheets of blue seals it becomes very difficult for those notes to be rare. 1902 $10 blue seal bank notes all have a portrait of William McKinley on them. Values can range from as little as $40 up to over $10,000. There really is no trick to know what is rare and what is common by just doing an internet search. You really need to work with an expert (like us) in order to determine the value of your specific bank note. There are at least ten different factors than can make some 1902 $10 blue seals worth more than others. We know exactly what to look for and we would be happy to provide a free appraisal and our best offer.
1902 $10 Blue Seal National Bank Note
The First National Bank Of Maryville printed 5,476 sheets of Type1 1929 $10 national bank notes. Sadly, based on a number that high, there is basically no chance for these notes to be especially rare. Each $10 bill from 1929 has a portrait of Alexander Hamilton on it. The black number written vertically is the charter number. The charter number never affects the value; it is just an identifier. The ten dollar type1 national bank note happens to be the single most common national bank note, with over 65,000 known to exist from all banks. Of course each note is valued based on its condition and rarity. Some are very rare.
Series of 1929 Type1 $10 National Bank Note