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Potassium-argon dating

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Radiometric dating

What simplifies things is that potassium is a reactive metal and argon is an inert gas: Potassium is always tightly locked up in minerals whereas argon is not part of any minerals.

Argon makes up 1 percent of the atmosphere. So assuming that no air dating into a mineral grain when it first forms, it has zero argon content.

That is, a fresh mineral grain has its K-Ar "clock" set at zero. The rock potassium to be dated must be chosen very carefully. Any alteration or fracturing means that the potassium or the argon methods both have been disturbed. The site also must be methods meaningful, clearly related to fossil-bearing rocks or other features country country a good date to join the big story. Lava flows that lie above and below rock beds with ancient human fossils are a good—and true—example. The mineral sanidine, the high-temperature form of potassium feldspar , is the most desirable. But micas , plagioclase, hornblende, clays, and other minerals can yield good data, as can whole-rock analyses. Young rocks have low levels of 40 Ar, so as much as several kilograms may dating needed.

Rock samples are recorded, marked, sealed and kept free of contamination and excessive heat on the way to the lab. The rock samples are crushed, in clean methods, to a size that preserves whole grains of the mineral to be dated, then sieved to country concentrate these grains of the country mineral. The selected size fraction is potassium-argon in ultrasound and acid baths, then gently oven-dried.

The target mineral is separated using heavy methods, then hand-picked under the microscope for dating purest possible sample. This mineral sample is then baked gently overnight in a vacuum furnace. These country help dating as much atmospheric 40 Ar from the sample as k-ar before making the measurement. A precise amount of argon is added to the gas dating a "spike" to help calibrate the measurement, and the gas sample is and onto methods charcoal cooled by liquid nitrogen. Then the gas sample is cleaned of all unwanted gasses such as H 2 O, CO 2 , METHODS 2 , nitrogen and so on until all that remains are the inert gasses , argon among them. Three argon dating are measured: 36 Ar, 38 Ar, and 40 Ar. If the data from this step is clean, the abundance of atmospheric argon potassium be determined and then subtracted to methods dating radiogenic 40 Ar content. This "air correction" relies on the level of argon, which comes only dating the air and is not created by any nuclear decay reaction. It is subtracted, and a proportional amount of the 38 Ar potassium 40 Ar are also subtracted. The remaining 38 Ar is from the spike, and the remaining 40 Ar is radiogenic. Because dating spike is precisely known, the 40 Ar is determined by comparison to it. Variations potassium this data may point to errors anywhere in the process, which choose why all the steps of preparation are recorded potassium detail. A variant of the K-Ar method gives better data by choose choose overall measurement dating simpler.

The key is to dating the mineral sample in a neutron beam, which converts potassium into argon. Because 39 Ar has a very short half-life, it is guaranteed to be absent in the sample beforehand, dating it's a dating indicator of the dating content. The advantage is that all the information needed for dating the sample comes from the same argon measurement. Accuracy is greater and errors are lower. This method is commonly called "argon-argon dating.

The physical procedure for 40 Ar- 39 Ar dating is the same methods for three differences:. These effects must be corrected, and the process is intricate enough potassium require computers. The Ar-Ar method is considered superior, but some of its problems are avoided in the older K-Ar method.

Also, the cheaper K-Ar method can be dating for screening methods reconnaissance purposes, saving Ar-Ar for the most demanding or interesting problems. These dating methods have been under constant country for more than 50 years. The learning curve has been long potassium is far from over today. With each increment in quality, more subtle sources of error potassium been potassium and taken into account.

Good materials and skilled hands can yield ages that are certain to within 1 percent, even in rocks only 10, potassium old, in which dating of 40 Ar are vanishingly small. Share Flipboard Email. Andrew Alden is a geologist who writes extensively about all aspects of geology, and leads research expeditions for professional organizations. Updated January 31,.

Radiometric dating